our Mission

To Our ChunJiDo Students

To teach a structured, disciplined approach to Martial Arts and Defense Training that will help develop character, confidence, and self-esteem that will assist you in recognizing your full potential and successfully reaching your goals in the art of ChunJiDo.

To Our Affiliates

To provide support and recognition of your accomplishments, and to partner with you in continued success and advancement in the Arts. ChunJiDo International is committed to nurturing collaboration among our different styles and systems to support the continued growth of the arts in an environment of integrity and honor

To the Martial Arts Community

To develop new and innovative safety programs, provide training opportunities, and promote collaboration across styles and systems dedicated to maintaining the highest standards in the arts while sharing ideas and philosophies.

My deepest thanks I give to my Kung Fu brother Grandmaster Robert Cutrell, for his friendship and huge contribution to the martial arts community.
Grandmaster Dr.Werner Leuschner
wing Chun, ChunJiDo Canada Director